It is one of VIP HOLDING companies , it operates in the field of natural foods and beehive products.
Our company started its success with the slogan "Your Food from Nature", to be an icon in the field of preparing and producing natural food and high-quality beehive products, and managed within a short period of time to reach many markets through a network of agents in and outside the country,
By relying on e-commerce platforms, the company has been able to deliver its products with high quality, reasonable price and in no time and keeping the natural properties of the product.
Our company offers you its natural products under the supervision of a pro staff. These products are brought to you from our green fields, apiaries and research centers that are located in the forests , agricultural lands, mountainous areas and valleys of Turkey.
We are fully aware that in recent times the tend towards natural food produced has increased , and as a result of the global trend and the growing environmental and health awareness, we, started our journey by producing and presenting natural,organic nutritious, high quality and healthy products , improving the standard of living and quality of life.
Our products helps protecting from diseases and contributes to improving the health, as it does not contain chemical fertilizers, drugs, and controversial nutritional supplements, which may create an imbalance in the environment and cause harm to health. Span>
VIP FOOD & PROVISIONS delivers natural products of high quality food at reasonable prices,where we provide you our valued customers with our products and deliver them directly, relying on the latest technology mechanism in this field, through our network of agents and electronic commercial portals available through our website.
We always strive to present our products naturally, without containing any external materials, and without including any elements that may change taste and natural appearance, so we have preserved quality and taste with our slogan, "More natural, healthier, and appropriate."